Deploying the kidney application server on Solaris 10

The first 9 steps can be skipped if the development environment has already been set up and you are simply installing an updated version

  1. Download the packages required for deployment of the Kidney Server from here.
  2. For each package you will either have to untar or unzip before issuing the command described.
  3. Install ruby -- pkgadd -d ruby-1.8.7p72-sol10-x86-local.
  4. Add /usr/local/bin to your path - or just type the full path to ruby when you are required to run it.
  5. Install gcc -- pkgadd -d gcc-3.4.6-sol10-x86-local.
  6. If you have not done so already untar rubygems-1.3.7.tar, then run ruby setup.rb, from the rubygems-1.3.7 directory. This installs the gem command and rubygems.
  7. Install libiconv -- pkgadd -d libiconv-1.13.1-sol10-x86-local.
  8. Install openssl -- pkgadd -d openssl-1.0.0c-sol10-x86-local.
  9. Download the latest Kidney Server build from here.
  10. Tar/gunzip the server to the required directory, denoted by [[KIDNEY_HOME]]
  11. Open the file [[KIDNEY_HOME]]/config/app_config.json in an editor
  12. Within [[KIDNEY_HOME]] run ruby script/server -d -p 80 -e production. This will run the server as a deamon process (-d), on port 80 (-p), and using the production environment (-e). If you just want to test that the server is running then you can omit the -d flag and this will just run the server in the shell.